OpenNCP Weekly Sprint Meeting

11th Jun 15:00 to 16:00  CET

Work RoadMap - epSOS 2 Services

1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
3º Sprint: 25Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks) > Completed
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) (<- both weeks, or perhaps just the last week could be the code freeze?) Completed

5º Sprint: 25Mar > 8Apr (2 weeks) Completed 

6º Sprint: 22Apr> 3May (2 weeks) > Completed 

 7º Sprint: 6May> 17May (2 weeks)  > Completed

 8º Sprint: 20May> 31May (2 weeks)  > Completed

 9º Sprint: 3June> 14June (2 weeks)  > in Progress



1. PAC QA Stage

2. HCER QA Stage

3. epSOS 2.0 Audit Trail EventIDs (Discussion of Roadmap)

4. 4PPT OpenNCP usage feedback

5. OpenNCP Support

6. epSOS2: TSAM adaptation for CTS2 compliance



NetViewer + VOIP (Netviewe session number: 369 152 647)


Aarne Roosi <>, 
Alexander Berler <>, 
Anders Nyström <>, 
Arnaud Gaudinat <>,
[PSB] Belani Hrvoje <>,
Fredrik Dahlman <>,
[YES] Gareth Woodham <>, 
Gergely Heja <>,
Giorgio Cangioli <>,
Ljubi Igor <>,
Ivo Pinheiro <>, 
[impeded but provided input] Konstantin Hypponen <>, 
[yes] Kostas Karkaletsis <>, 
[yes] Licinio Mano <>,
[PSB] Marcello Melgara <>,
[yes] Marcelo Fonseca <>, 
Mate Beštek <>,
Mika Myllyvirta <>, 
Mindaugas Ajauskas <>, 
Norbert Repas <>,
Patrick Ruch <>,
[not available] Per Loubjerg <>,
Tomaz Cebular <>,
Steen Manniche <>, 
Stefan Gustafsson <>, 
[yes] Stéphane Spahni <>,






1. PAC QA Stage

The service implementation is complete.
- What needs to be done in order to allow end-2-end test?
-- Solve: TM-47 (Stéphane will check with Arnaud - can work on it only on the 17th of June)
-- Dependency: How to TEST?
-- Dependency: How to access auditing compliance ?
--- Do we need to test transactions on the PAC workflow?
--- The transactions are the same used in the Identification Service and Patient Service, but the AUDIT messages need to be produced according new SPECS.
---- Probably there is the need to chage some AUDIT messages, but WE MUST take in account that PAC service is reusing transactions from previous epSOS 1 services, and for that we must keep compliance or have a clear strategy for replacing AUDIT messages.
-- The Audit Trail messages need to be revised for epSOS 2 Services accordingly the SPECS.
--- The SPECS are available but still not implemented.
---- There are ISSUES that IMPED implementation.

2. HCER QA Stage

The service implementation is complete.
(by Eric) Dear All

the IHE Europe development team is pleased to let you know the availability of the the MRO and HCER validator from the EVS Client application :

Please let us know if you find any issues.

- What needs to be done in order to allow end-2-end test?


3. epSOS 2.0 Audit Trail EventIDs (Discussion of Roadmap)

-- The adoption of new EventIDs does not seem to bring any issue apart from the following line:
--- We need to report to the specification team that there is no information about the related transaction on each EventID (e.g. "XCA::CrossGatewayQuery" will replace "epsosPatientService::List" and "epsosOrderService::List", therefore it would not be possible to distinguish them) - perhaps it should be that way, but further clarification is needed. 

4. 4PPT OpenNCP usage feedback

5. OpenNCP Support

1. Mika has fixed the database connection leaks, changes are in develop branch. (INT-62 and TSAM-1)

2. During the merge of 1.1.3 and develop branches some functionality was lost, check INT-63.



6. epSOS2: TSAM adaptation for CTS2 compliance

NEXT Steps 


  • [Done] MF: Ask for clarification to the specification team about the missing transaction info on Audit Messages details
    • ++++++++++++++++++++++
      From:     Marcelo Fonseca <>
          Subject:     Clarification on new Audit Messages specifications
          Date:     12 June, 2013 12:35:23 PM GMT+01:00
          To:     Jörg Caumanns <>, Sören Bittins <>
          Cc:     Marcello Melgara <>, Giorgio Cangioli <>, Gareth Woodham <>, Konstantine Hypponen (finland) <>, Kostas Karkaletsis <>, Répás, Norbert <>, Stéphane Spahni <>, arnaud gaudinat <>, Ivo Pinheiro <>, Licínio Mano <>

      Dear Jörg Caumanns, Sören Bittins

      The OpenNCP team is about to start implementing the new specifications for Audit Messages and we need some clarification on the following items

      - The new specifications for Event details (ID's, Names) do not clarify which transaction / document is involved (e.g. "XCA::CrossGatewayQuery" now replaces "epsosPatientService::List" and "epsosOrderService::List", therefore it is not possible to distinguish them)) - is there any information present in the audit message that allows to distinguish which document was involved?

      - That also applies to the provision of data - with the new "ITI-41" event ID, we only have the "XDR::ProvideandRegisterDocumentSet-b" event name, therefore both dispensation and HCER services will produce the same audit message.

      Thank you very much for your attention.

      Best Regards,


      Marcelo Fonseca

      epSOS - Portuguese Technical Team

    • ++++++++++++++++++++++
  • [To-Do]  LKM: check the release by Posam frothe newTransformation Manager;

  • [Done] Kostas: Bring knowledge about the CDA display tool - render the information for HcP.
  • [in Progress] Clarification on the status from the - epSOS 2.0 Services Messages Validators

  • [To-Do] Licinio Schedule 'next' meeting - proposed date June 18th, 2013, 10h00 CET