OpenNCP Weekly Sprint Meeting

28 MAR 10:00 to 11:00  CET

Work RoadMap - epSOS 2 Services

1º Sprint: 28Jan > 8 Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
2º Sprint: 11Fev > 22Fev (2 weeks) > Completed
3º Sprint: 25Fev > 8Mar (2 weeks) > Completed
4º Sprint: 11Mar > 22Mar (2 weeks) (<- both weeks, or perhaps just the last week could be the code freeze?) Completed
- Release date: 25March (Monday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0 >  Postpone
5º Sprint: 25Mar > 8Mar (2 weeks) WE ARE HERE
Release date: 11Apr (Thursday) > OpenNCP 2.0.0

-- Release Notes


  1. Sprint Planning (share and promote challenges):  
    1. Time frame  
    2. Goals
    3. Impediments
    4. Available resources
  2. Support - issue tracking
    1. OpenNCP Support Board
    2. OpenNCP Important Milestones


Skype (sirLicman) + EtherPad (


Aarne Roosi <>, 
Alexander Berler <>, 
Anders Nyström <>, 
Arnaud Gaudinat <>,  
Fredrik Dahlman <>,
Gareth Woodham <>, 
Gergely Heja <>,
Giorgio Cangioli <>
Ivo Pinheiro <>, 
Konstantin Hypponen <>, 
Kostas Karkaletsis <>, 
Licinio Mano <>,
Marcello Melgara <>,
Mate Beštek <>
Marcelo Fonseca <>, 
Mika Myllyvirta <>, 
Mindaugas Ajauskas <>, 
Norbert Repas <>,
Patrick Ruch <>,
Tomaz Cebular <>
Steen Manniche <>, 
Stefan Gustafsson <>, 
Stéphane Spahni <>,



0. Marcello Melgara - pre-meeting feedback

-- From reviewers
-- We need more pictures

1. PROMOTE - Sprint Planning:  

1.1 Time frame  

-- 5ª Sprint 25Mar to Apr 5 (2 weeks)
-- 8 April - Code freeze;
-- 8 to 10 April - Quality Control Stage;
-- 11 to 12 April - OpenNCP 2.0.0 Release

1.2 Goals


-- PAC Service release; 
-- ?? HCER release may happen but depending on Gnomon availability in the next 2 weeks. (OpenNCP 2.0.x)

1.3. Impediments

- [RAISE] Licensing issues that affect PAC (The right of distributing Code System translation) > should keep developing or we should suspend developments until further clarifications;
-- [Marcello Melgara] It is NOT our issue: we develop with the hypothesis that there will be AT LEAST some PN able to release MTC. We cannot do anything else.
--- SO please do not see it as a show stopper.
-- [Konstantin] Concerning PAC, I also include Sören in the loop - we had a discussion during SEG last week in which it was stated that translation in PAC was never designed to be done in Country A. The document must be sent for translation to Country B.
- [Marcello Melgara] (after conversation with Soren) NO ISSUE. The country MAY share translations. According PSB each country has the right of SHARING translations. 
-- It is clear that is not a task from SEG to evaluate the PAC service because it is a Country A use case.
--- OPEN POINT for work Together: EXPORT of the document (XDM - Cross-Enterprise Document Media Interchange >
---- NEXT Steps: keep in mind that we have to discuss with Giorgio and Soren
- [RAISE] HCER Country implementation, is being done by Gnomon, and it  depends on how much effort they can afford to the OpenNCP development;
-- GNOMON states that they don't have availability for the next week HCER.
-- Some changes to client connector may be needed - Marcelo will review the XDR client code.
-- Marcello promised to ask Giorgio for an example of a minimum HCER document, for enabling testing and UI construction. For other tests full versions of PS can be used.

1.4 Available resources

- [Marcello Melgara] How to help professionals to find patient identification in the ID our HealthCare Card.
-- Should be in central services, in some how;
-- PORTAL > how to embed  in the Portal, in the point of introduce the PATIENT Identifier
- [Marcello Melgara] Central Services - deprecation 
-- What kind of architecture changes SHOULD be made in order to move from CENTRAL SERVICES to Totally DISTRIBUTED (only for the configuration of NCP: VPN, patient identification)
--- Everything that is centrally manage, MUST be totally distributed.
---- NEXT STEPS: start thinking/researching for new architecture changes. Marcello will shows us a starting point - already proposed.
- Steen is leaving, WE must train/assign another Release Manager;
epSOS on JoinUp
- Should be clear and it should be easy to find.
- [Steen] Management together with JoinUp and with Atlassian
--- [Licinio] Will start leading the needed communication channels
- Istambul Projecthaton > should use OpenNCP 1.1.2 (needs OpenNCP new release)
- Security Expert Group [Konstantin]

2. Support - issue tracking

2.1 OpenNCP Support

2.2 OpenNCP Important Milestones


OpenNCP 1.1.2 Release (Operation & Istanbul Projecthaton)

Who is using the OpenNCP?

OpenNCP - ALM > Improve Quality Assurance Stage (after code freeze and before version release)


NEXT Steps

- [To Do - Marcello Melgara]  PAC - Document Export Discussion > Schedule Meeting with Giorgio and Soren
- [To Do - Licinio] Update development features roadmap, regarding IMPORTANT POINTS introduced by MM (PAC doc export, Country Patient card image)
- [To Do - Licinio] Gather knowledge about JoinUp and Atlassian communication processes
- [To Do - ReleaseManager]  OpenNCP 1.1.2: Code freeze > Quality Assurance > Release > Publish (JoinUp)
- [To Do - ReleaseManager]  OpenNCP will not have an 1.1.3 but a 2.0.0.
- [To Do - Licinio]  Schedule 'next' meeting - proposed date Apr 2, 2013, 10h00 CET