20151028 - Meeting minutes, Tuesday, October 28th, 2015 - OpenNCP Technical Committee Meeting

OpenNCP Technical Committee Meeting


Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CET

Performed - 13:00 to 14:20 CET


1. Housekeeping (Rui)

2. Developments status

a. Non-Rep (Tech Committee + Alexandre + EC Team)

b. SMP/SML (João + Tech Committee + EC Team);

c. eID (if we have time, because there is a scheduled meeting about this for tomorrow);

3. Requirements Roadmap

a. Probably will be postponed until next week (Rui)

4. AOB

5. Next Meeting (Rui)


  •   Adobe Connect


Today's Meeting Participants:

Rui Alves (Unlicensed) 

Joao Cunha

Alexandre Santos



Heiko Zimmermann

(Not Able To Attend) Licinio Kustra Mano

Marcello Melgara 


Invited Members List:

Konstantin Hyppönen

Marco Bernardini

Stéphane Spahni

Kostas Karkaletsis

OpenNCP Community Governance: 

  • From Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2015;
    • Nominated OpenNCP Committees: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYANAg
    • Scope OpenNCP in EXPAND
      1. Take the OpenNCP to the next version;
      2. Assist and resolve any support issues that may arise;
      3. Handover to (DG-SANTÉ) for long term sustainability organisation;



Since we could not have the full Technical Committee on 3rd August (Stephane on holidays) no decisions were taken beyond the following guidelines:

a) During August, consolidate as much as possible the three open epics with e-SENS (NonRP, eID Level 1, SMP assessment), no new epics should be taken on board.

b) Meet as soon as everyone is back from holidays: September 2nd, 13h00 CEST.


0.1. Overarching Vision

      • Along epSOS:
        • Open group of people orchestrated by an agile software development methodology conducting effort on designing, coding, testing and delivering OpenNCP software

      • Beyond epSOS:
        • Open group of people orchestrated by common principles, conducting effort on designing, coding, testing and delivering eHealth Interoperability technology

    • VISION
      • Along epSOS:

        • Design and develop a set of Open Source Components (OpenNCP) that can be adopted by Participating Nation, to build their local implementation of the epSOS NCP.

      • Beyond epSOS:
        • Design, develop and sustain a set of open source components (OpenNCP) that can be adopted by anyone, to build an eHealth Information Exchange Point.

0.2. Development Roadmap

    • CONSOLIDATION (fix improvements)
  • Perspectives of discussions:
    • What MUST be ready by the end of 2015;
    • What SHOULD be included in 2016 roadmap;
    • ONLY 1 BRANCH...no different versions to be maintained.
  • RELAXATIONS (removal of)
    • CTS2 compliance.

2. Developments status

a. Non-Rep (Tech Committee + Alexandre + EC Team)

Heiko Zimmermann:

  • Contacted Masi.
  • NCP and Audit Rep can be in the same TrustZone (according to documentation and response from Masi)
  • Heiko created a document for discussion about functional requirements related to implementation
  • Topic raised in mail conversation was about Architecture and interfaces taking into account
    • Trustzones
    • Communication interfaces (WS or direct DB access)
  • Alexandre Santos
    • In my understanding what OpenNCP tries to follow is the epSOS Trsut Model... And all this architecture available in the deliverables was the agreed approcach for the OpenNCP...
    • We all know what the architecture is...
    • Implementation used is not the architecture defined in epSOS project.
    • We are seeing that we have only one server/VM running everything... Portal, NCP, OpenATNA... 
    • I was thinking on the architecture known from epSOS, what is going towards OP in OpenNCP, and this was the reason I raised these issues.
    • As for the tech part - I think the direct use to DB is possible as long as the OpenATNA DB is running on same environment of the NCP. But we have the Portal "problem"...
    • The Portal was a mean to have the implementation to access to the OpenNCP and workflows...
    • The Portal shouldn't have direct access to OpenNCP (DBs) or OpenATNA
    • This Portal (corner 1) needed to emmit evidences...
    • We can go for a shortcut, when we're talking about the current implementation of the OpenNCP, but we have to see if the current OpenATNA webservice has the capability to receive messages, (client to store on OpenATNA) or if we need to find another solution to store on OpenATNA. Also how can we access info on OpenATNA webservice is another thing to discuss in the future...
    • SO: 1) Connection to DB; 2) OpenATNA

  • Heiko Zimmermann
    • 2 points:
      • Access from NCP provisioning audit trail into repository
      • Second: Portal access
  • Markus (Unlicensed)
    • Time is what we are talking about. What is the amount of effort for both of possible approaches?
  • Heiko Zimmermann
    • 2 days for DB and 2 days for implementation (Kostas estimation, following the discussions about the matrix)
  • Markus (Unlicensed)
    • we don't have the estimation for the webservice...
  • Alexandre Santos
    • It might be necessary to change something in OpenATNA. We'll have time to understand the source code, after to change and implement... ON other side: efforts from OpenNCP to build more clients if needed. Must be studied before to analyze impact.
    • We have to add two tables to DB and then have on the OpenNCP side instead of the methods we have... 
    • Timeframe: going to direct access is quickest and certainly we can have it for December...
  • Heiko Zimmermann:
    • When we talk about webservices, they are not secure per se, we need to consider security (like certificates for instance...)
  • Alexandre Santos
    • If we go to the solution of OpenATNA webservices, they are implementing client-side security w/certificates...
  • Markus (Unlicensed): The question is the time, and if there's the December EXPANDATHON, we should go for the quickest solution, but in long term, we should go for the other one...
  • Markus (Unlicensed): We could do this in parallel
  • Heiko Zimmermann: We should inform Stephane and Kostas with both solutions. And get their opinion, as we can't decide now without them. But we take this position...
  • Alexandre Santos
    • We need to check who is available to do this... Perhaps Kostas Karkaletsis is the right person.
    • To see in parallel what is needed to implement the long-term solution...
  • Who would do the direct access solution and who would do the other part...
  • Markus (Unlicensed): We will check if someone's from EC to do this.
  • Heiko Zimmermann: We will keep on working on that and have conversation to have a more clear vision about this until the end of next week.
  • Alexandre Santos: We may have some time to help on this developments... We are open to discuss some more aspects.
  • S: The use of the DB... Need to create new tables, use of ATNA Schema??

Yes it would be positive to have a focused meeting about Non-Rep next week.


b. SMP/SML (João + Tech Committee + EC Team);

Markus (Unlicensed):

    • We're having internal meetings (DG-SANTE and DIGIT).
    • Discussed what to implement to e-SENS and CEF...
    • We need to be ready in CEF and what needs to be done...
    • Are there any news since last meeting with DG-DIGIT?

Joao Cunha:

  • No news.
  • Invited to Specification Main Shop in EXPAND
  • I started to analyze the source code, to see what are the implications of moving to SMP
  • I started yesterday to create a xslt to transform to SMP files, since there's no decisions about who will implement these changes...
  • We are running short on time, to have something available there... 
  • Markus (Unlicensed): From what I understood, there was no much effort needed...
  • Joao Cunha: But there are the OpenNCP side.
    • Use TSL Ed to create SMP files...
    • Alexandre Santos: We need to wait for the EXPAND meeting next Friday
    • There is a possibility of this SMP testing not being part of EXPANDATHON
    • We have made the most important part... This document available from Joao and Uwe.
    • We must wait until EXPAND and IHe about the testing on Dec
    • Mon or Tue we can go back to this issue and try to figure out what can be done...
    • Marcello Melgara: We must be very clear what will be the target of the test
      • What will be needed for that.
      • I believe we are still very far for allowing countries to be ready for EXPANDATHON
      • EXPANDATHON will not intend to "demo", but a real CONNECTATHON
      • If we develop "temporary" solutions, this needs to be "authorized" by EXPAND EX CO


c. eID (if we have time, because there is a scheduled meeting about this for tomorrow);


3. Roadmap for 2015

a. Probably will be postponed until next week (Rui)


4. AOB

Marcello Melgara: Update/upgrade the display tool: must be available on the EXPANDATHON to test

Marcello Melgara: Bring this up ASAP to have it in EXPANDATHON

Heiko Zimmermann: Kostas was the one working on this, but now I'm not sure anyone is working on it.

Marcello Melgara: Needs to be changed with new MVC... For the next release and to test in EXPANDATHON. We already addresses to Kostas as GNOMON is the author...

Alexandre Santos: Kostas changed the version of Portal in the last release... Was these the changes?

Marcello Melgara: No... 

TO BE DONE: Double check (w/Kostas) - about the Semantic Main Shop... If it is planned to be released in 2.4, we have to check this...

Heiko Zimmermann: Kostas is the right person...

Markus (Unlicensed): We can go to Kostas but try to assist him as he is the only person capable of moving this forward...


Marcello Melgara: Point everybody how LAM is included in the Portal and LARMS as well. A discussion with Marcello and Alexandre...

  • Rui


5. Next Meeting