20150813 - Meeting minutes, Thursday, August 13th, 2015 - OpenNCP Community Governance

OpenNCP Community Governance


Estimated - 13:00 to 14:00 CEST

Performed - 14:00 to 15:10 CEST


  1. Overview
  2. Governance and hand over
  3. AOB



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Today's Meeting Participants:

Licinio Kustra Mano

Rui Alves (Unlicensed)

Markus (Unlicensed)

Marcello Melgara

Jürgen Wehnert



Invited Members List:





  • From Jan. 2015 to Dec. 2015;
    • Nominated OpenNCP Committees: https://openncp.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYANAg
    • Scope OpenNCP in EXPAND
      1. Take the OpenNCP to the next version;
      2. Assist and resolve any support issues that may arise;
      3. Handover to (DG-SANTÉ) for long term sustainability organisation;


  • Hand over strategy - UPDATE
    • Licinio Kustra Mano: Remembered the gaps pointed by DG SANTE regarding the handover process from the OpenNCP Technology.
      • The knowledge transfer of OpenNCP Community orchestration was happening more successfully than the technical handover that needs to be complemented with additional initiatives.
    • markus.kalliola: clarified that the main doubts were not in the Hand-Over process in itself. He explained what was discussed in the "subgroup for implementation of eHealth DSI" on July 1st and what has later raised discussion in the OpenNCP community. 
      • In particular, he explained that there are problems in the initial plan of EC regarding financing the participation of Member States to the OpenNCP community via call for proposals as a separate action. The main problem he had raised on July 1st was the fact that parts of the developments were outsourced during epSOS and therefore that capacity is not in the hands of the Member States. Therefore using part of allocation of CEF financing to Member States for OpenNCP participation might not lead to expected results.
    • Licinio Kustra Mano reinforced that the industry partners are part of the community, and having this, any knowledge transferred by the industry elements should be considered as knowledge transferred by the OpenNCP Community.
    • markus.kalliola explained that there was no misunderstanding that the community is based on public and private sector organizations, but repeated that the questions was about the financing and how it should be allocated in order to have the necessary capacity for the development. He also explained that the financing towards Member States is not 100% covered which might be a problem if only small part of CEF Member States participate for developing the common software.
    • Markus (Unlicensed) shared a draft CEF governance model which will be further discussed in the subgroup. The planning is to present it in eHealth network in November where it could be endorsed. 
      • In this model, the EC coordinates the OpenNCP Community and is responsible for the OpenNCP implementation used in CEF.
      • Licinio Kustra Mano: This represents a change in the nature of the community operations - previously this common resposability were handled by the Member States.
      • Markus (Unlicensed) concluded: it is necessary to be this way because it will be the EC who will assure and guarantee the content and quality of the deliveries of the OpenNCP Technology... 
        • Allowing it to be forked and enhanced by other european or worldwide projects where similar architectures can be used.
        • Keeping the deliverables open source and continuing the open webinars for the community, meeting minutes etc.
    • It was concluded that:
      • Licinio Kustra Mano: having in consideration of this vision, forward to 2016, it should be considered an alignment on several activities for the next 4 months, with the goal of:
        • do a better technical hand over;
        • prepare and make the EC autonomous to Govern and Operate the OpenNCP Community ahead from 2016.
      • The communication of the new Governance Model to the OpenNCP Community is foreseen to happen as soon as it is approved and adopted by the eHN in November 2015.

3. AOB

  • 12th eHN Meeting > November 2015 (needs confirmation on the date)
    • The governance strategy proposed for CEF (including OpenNCP Community) will be endorsed in this meeting;
  • The CEF financing model will be presented when it is public information (CEF call has been published) 



  • Licinio Kustra Mano: Will preprare a list of action to do during the last 4 months of EXPAND, to provide EC the needed knowledge to Govern and run the OpenNCP Community in the future ;

  • Markus (Unlicensed): Will provide to EXPAND (WP5): a list of questions related to the general handover of assets, to be answered by specific maintenance shops ;

  • Marcello Melgara / Jürgen Wehnert: EXPAND WP5 share the current job descriptions from each Maintenance shop, as a mean for EC to understand the full range of assets governance that is needed for 2016 and on  .

  • OpenNCP Community Steering Committee: Communicate to the Community the Governance Model for 2016 and on  or , after the endorsement of the eHN.

  • Rui Alves (Unlicensed): Next meeting the steering board:  13h00 CET

  • Licinio Kustra Mano: Introduce EC to CONET after 13h00 CET.